Email Writing Pointers
In order to ensure your email is read by City Planning and the Hearings Officer, you'll need to reference the relevant permits and cite specific Bend Development Code that you believe is not met by GP Energy's application. To help make this an easier process for you, we've created a document with ideas and inspiration (see Email Writing Pointers below).
EMAIL: HEIDI KENNEDY (City Planner handling this permit)
SUBJECT LINE: Public Comment re: PLCUP20220284, PLCUP20220285, PLMISC20220729, PLSPR20220270
What to include in your email:
State your opposition Ex: I live in SE Bend and I oppose vehicle-intensive and -dependent uses at the SW corner of Brosterhous and Murphy
Reference relevant code: Include reference(s) to relevant city code & why you believe this application does not meet the requirements of the code. There are 6 different ideas of BPC code that we have identified that you can feel free to reference. Reference one or all of them, it's up to you. If you want help with this, email your draft email to and we'll add the code and send your updated email back to you to submit.
Share your viewpoint: Explain why you believe granting the Conditional Use Permit for the gas station and drive thru would be bad for our community. There's no limit to the length of your letter, so you can feel free to say what you want to say.
Public Comment emails/letters and Hearing Testimony are the only evidence we are allowed to use in the appeal process, so please go all out and include everything that's important to you in your public comments. Your letters will be attached by the City Planner to the permits and will be visible online here.

No Gas Station Email Writing Pointers
This document gives you tips and ideas for effective email writing to our city planner opposing the Conditional Use Permit for vehicle-intensive and vehicle-dependent uses

Just in case you can't make the Zoom meeting, here's a copy of the presentation.
There are hundreds of documents and drawings that are linked to the permit application on the City portal. Here's the link to the permit applications submitted by GP Energy so you can peruse them at your leisure.

Notice of Public Hearing
Just in case you don't have your copy handy, here's the letter City Planning sent out with details about the Hearing.

BDC 2.2 explains what is allowed in a CC zone. You'll see that there are a lot of types of uses in a CC zone but don't require a CUP. You'll also see that there are zones, like General Commercial (GC) that allow gas stations w/out a CUP - perhaps because these areas are more suitable for gas stations / drive thrus.
If you want to, you can explain that you agree with the CC zoning, but don't believe this 2.67 acre property should be granted a CUP for vehicle-dependent and -intensive uses.

BDC 4.4 explains what it takes to get a CUP.
If you think GP Energy doesn't meet these requirements, you can include that in your email to the City Planner. (5 pages)